Schedule a visitation time in advance of your trip once you have selected a place that will work for your pet for dog boarding. Before committing, it can be beneficial to chat with the staff to ensure that your pet will receive the finest care possible while you are away. Examine the kennel’s requirements for vaccinations, the type of space your dog or cat will have access to, the type of exercise your dog will receive, the number of staff members who are available to play with and care for your pet every day, and the company’s procedure for handling medical emergencies.
Confirming that the kennel has no history of its dogs escaping or getting into fights is also beneficial.
After you’ve selected the ideal location and reserved accommodations for your pet, visit your veterinarian to confirm that your cat or dog has all of its shots and is taking its flea and tick medicine as directed. Your veterinarian might even have some useful advice on how to lessen your pet’s fear while you’re gone. Ensure that all of your pet’s flea and tick preventatives are up to date. Your pet should have recently undergone a comprehensive physical examination, maybe including bloodwork. Know more about dog boarding basics and what you should be aware of by watching this video.