Pets are amazing. They are companions that offer a bright spot in life. They do funny things and provide us comfort. They are also a lot of responsibility. This is especially true of the pet in this video.
Squirrels normally don’t make great pets. They are afraid of people and are not easily trained. However, one man proved this all wrong. One day he was driving when he found an injured young squirrel that had likely been hit by a car. It crawled up his leg, practically begging for help. He called his local wildlife professionals who thought it would be best to euthanize the thing. However, the man had other ideas.
He fed the squirrel goats milk and nursed it back to health. Now, the squirrel doesn’t want to leave the man’s side. They eat breakfast together in the mornings. In the afternoon, they play together. In fact, the man was able to teach the squirrel to jump to him on command. It is truly incredible. In many ways, the squirrel plays like a small cat. However, it has a lot more energy as it scurries around.