It is smart to purchase pet insurance in case of a health emergency that should arise. Before buying cheap pet insurance you want to make sure that you do a pet insurance comparison first. While some plans may seem too good to be true, you have to read the fine print first and compare how much that dog insurance and cat insurance will cost against other competitive plans. Until you fully analyze the pet insurance plans on a pet insurance comparison you will find out that they differ. Based on what you can afford and what you feel is important, you can decide what is best after completing a full pet insurance comparison. In addition to doing a pet insurance comparison, it is also recommended that the person do a search for pet insurance reviews that may be found on the web. Often these reviews can be really telling of how a plan will be carried out. In some reviews, the writer will point out things that you may have missed in the fine print. That is where a pet insurance comparison comes in handy! More on this: www.bowwowinsurance.com.au