In America, we love keeping pets. We care about our pets more than almost any other nation on Earth, so much so that visitors often remark at how kind and loving people in the United States are towards their animal friends.
In fact, we empathize with our animals as much as, or perhaps more, than we typically do with other people. According to a study conducted by AAHA in 2000, 44% or so of pet owners claimed to have acquired a pet at some point purely because they wanted a way to keep one of their already existing pets company.
With cats and dogs in particular, humans have a very close relationship. A huge percentage of Americans own either a cat or a dog (or both), and we go to comparatively great lengths to learn more about them, keep them happy, and enjoy our time with them as much as possible. Some people even (as you’re probably aware) dress their pets.
We’ve even started treating them as equals in some surprising other ways, too. For example, we’ve applied the efficiency of online dating (57% increase in usage of these sites worldwide) to our pets. Dog owners know by the level of excitement their pets show them as they come home from a long day at work that dogs have at least mild separation anxiety. Failing that, they certainly do miss their owners when they’re away from home.
Experts determined that a meagre 20 minutes of interaction between two dogs can all but eliminate the feelings of loneliness they may experience.
To combat this, dog dating sites have become popular in recent years. It’s exactly as it sounds — a dating site for dogs! If you have a pet that doesn’t seem to like being on its own or away from you/other dogs for extended periods of time, consider looking into setting your dog up on a dog breeding site. Your dog will love it, and you may really enjoy the company of the other pet owner! The success of these dog breeding sites is what has led them to become so popular.